Big news! I'm excited to announce the brand new hymn player! Listen for free! Check it out

I'm on a mission to build up the Lord's church and inspire Christians to get busy.
I'm on a mission to build up the Lord's church and inspire Christians to get busy
First, foremost, and always — I'm a servant of Jesus Christ. I am currently holding singing, preaching, revival meetings. The goal of this is to get the church fired up to serve the Lord. We should do so by serving His church and seeking the lost. We have the best news ever - the gospel! How could we not be excited to share it? I have what has been described as an infectious zeal. I've been told I ooze encouragement. I love the Lord, His church and all immortal souls. I love people in a “let's go to heaven together” kind of way. I want to encourage people to seek and serve God.
When you schedule me to come and visit your congregation you can expect a lot. Ahead of my meetings I send a tailor made video ad that is designed to target everyone in the immediate vicinity of the congregation where I will be speaking. It can be run on the church's Facebook page, YouTube channel, or web site. Click here for an example
My messages are all sermons in song form. First, I set up the topic of a teaching hymn. Second, I teach the church to sing it. Third, we are more noble like those Berean Jews in Acts 17:11 as we take apart the lyrics together by the authority of Jesus Christ, the authority of His word. Every lyric is accompanied by the supporting Scriptures which we examine together one lyrical line at a time. After we consider the message of the hymn I lead the song again. This nails down both the music of the hymn (yes singing A Cappella is music) and the doctrine of Christ contained in each hymn. I close the message by extending the Lord's invitation.
Here's where I've been...

Congregations have been utilizing my hymns and preaching with fantastic success.
But don't just take my word for it — see it in action for yourself!
See how other faithful congregations of the Lord's church are working with me.
Jesus wants His disciples to spread His gospel to a sin-sick world. That means Christians have a teaching job to do!
Church, when we are singing we are teaching - Colossians 3:16 and whatever we sing/teach must be in the name of, by the authority of Jesus Christ. Colossians 3:17. We have a great opportunity and responsibility to teach clear, pointed truth to one another as we sing.
Click the video to see a potent teaching hymn that chronicals biblical accounts of actual saving faith.
I'm available to answer questions. I want to serve. I pray that my work is a blessing to all and most importantly approved by God.
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